Morning Routines

Do you ever find yourself at school wondering where your morning went? Sometimes we take for granted the little things that make us fresh and ready to learn in for school. This morning, while pondering the way we automatically move through our daily routines, I decided to mentally narrate my morning schedule.
mentally: inside your own mind
"I am brewing a pot of coffee. I love coffee. It tastes delicious. I am admiring the flowers in my yard while I drink it. Next, I am showering. I am enjoying the fruity scent of my favorite soap. Now I am drying off. While I am dressing, I am thinking about another cup of coffee. Next, I am brushing my teeth.
"At this moment, I realize I am running late. I am rapidly combing my hair and tying it into a bun. I am making toast while I prepare a second cup of coffee. After quaffing the coffee, I am putting on a pair of flats. I am grabbing my keys and darting for the door."
This is not the first time I've narrated my routine while performing these tasks. Sometimes, after a night dealing with insomnia, I find myself narrating my morning in my head to remind myself what comes next. It keeps me alert before the caffeine in my coffee begins working. Being exhausted has that kind of effect on me.
About Present Progressives
Watch this video to learn the basics behind using present progressives.
Why don't you try this activity to practice using present progressives?
pondering (to ponder): to think about something in a dreamy way
automatically: to do something without the need to think about it (i.e. something you do all the time, like make coffee)
narrate: to speak about yours or someone else's actions, like a story teller
admiring (to admire): to look at something with affection
scent: an odor or aroma, usually one that is pleasing
rapidly: quickly, fast
quaffing: to drink a beverage deeply
darting (to dart): to run quickly
insomnia: the inability to sleep
exhausted: very tired
1: The late train was moving ________ to get to it's next stop on time.
2: I listened to my teacher ________ the fairy tale out loud to the class.
3: Her perfume's ________ smelled delightful.
4: After I spent ten hours moving furniture, I was ________.
5: Seth's friends watch him ________ for the bank door so he can get inside before they closed.
6: I never look for a price tag while I am ________ pretty clothes.
7: I ________ took note of an idea I had so I could write it down later.
8: I am watching a man ________ his soda, and wondering if it will make him burp.
9: I have ________, so sometimes I cannot get to sleep at night.
10: I suddenly realized I was cooking spaghetti at eight in the morning. Without realizing the time, I must've ________ started to cook dinner.