Around this time, people are preparing for the gloomy holiday of Halloween. On many suburban stoops, you can find large pumpkins, sometimes carved into jack-o'-lanterns. A lot of people become very creative with their pumpkin carving, leading to frightening and funny results.
Stores are prepared for Halloween as well. Many have a wide variety of delicious candies on sale for bargain prices. It is important to stock up on candy for Halloween. Children, dressed in costumes that are both monstrous and adorable, travel house to house to ask for candy. They usually say "Trick or Treat!" Occasionally, some community members will trick the children rather than provide candy. Usually they will play a fun prank on the children. It is all in good fun.
My favorite thing about autumn in that I can use my favorite blanket. It is a dark blue, thermal blanket designed to keep me warm at night. It is incredibly soft. There is nothing like curling up under your favorite blanket after a spending a day in the cool weather.
crisp - (weather only) fresh or invigorating
breeze - a soft wind
gloomy - melancholy or dark
stoop - a porch, platform, or other raised entrance into a house
jack-o'-lantern - a pumpkin that is carved into a face or character with a lit candle inside
stock up - to obtain large amounts of an item in preparation for it's use
trick or treat - a phrase asked by children when traveling door to door, asking for candy or for a prank to be played on them
thermal - designed to prevent the loss of heat
1: I sat on my ________, waiting for my friend to arrive at my house
2: The weather man said a huge blizzard was coming, so I traveled to the supermarket to ________ on items I needed.
3: My ________ coat keeps me warm even in the harshest weather.
4: The ________ wind against my face woke me and gave me energy.
5: When I was a child, I used to ________ at my neighbors' houses during Halloween.
6: I watched the tree branches wave while the soft ________ blew.
7: The forest was dark and ________, and I was afraid to enter it.
8: I found an enormous pumpkin at the farm, and I will be carving it into a ________
Grammar Point:
An adjective is a word used to describe a noun. Adjectives bring life to sentences by setting their tone. In daily life, adjectives are necessary to specify how one thing may differ from another.
Grammar Activity:
What is your favorite season? Write about your favorite season using 10 adjectives.
More information on Adjectives:
More about the history of Halloween: